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May or June 2022

Westferry, Balcony, Morning

Loving stares take me there

This world for two built unaware

Brown eyes that look like mine

Mouthing secrets between the lines

Its hard to speak on loves sight

For its not blind but catches light

Casting prism fractals flaws omniscient eyes of God

Love looks with other eyes heart to heart and mind to mind

In the dark we can still know

Scrutinize invisible movements without show

In the dark we still go

Bumping shadows and fears glow

Playful demons whisper jokes

I wanna talk but no words come

Only knowing glances where eyes touch and run

You make me nervous yet keep me safe

So lost words are all the same

The eyes say more than a mouth could shape

No need for sense in a lovers gaze

No need for plays in a team game

This photo was taken in London 2022


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